Food for the Hungry

Food for the Hungry is a Christian organization whose mission is to serve the poor. This organization has been fulfilling this mission globally since 1971, reflecting the love of Christ in long-term work to end world hunger and short-term emergency relief.  

Three Simple Steps.

Call Us,
or Go Online

Takes 3 minutes.

We Schedule
a Pickup your earliest convenience.

You Receive a Tax Deduction

...and your favorite charity benefits from your generosity.

What are our donors saying?


1997 Toyota Tacoma

Habitat for Humanity got more value

"Fantastic. Easy, fast, just as they said it would be. Good towing experience too."

Thomas L., Truck Donation - San Francisco, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2000 Subaru Forester S

KQED Public Radio got more value

"I am just so happy that Cars2Charities was able

to sell the car for that much. That way I could

support KQED Public Broadcasting and get

myself an excellent tax deduction."

Mark E., Car Donation - Redwood City, CA

Donation Benefitting:

1993 SeaRay Jet Boat

Humane Society got more value

"Excellent! I'm so pleased the boat found a new home."

Sheri C., Boat Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

Donation Benefitting:

1999 Lincoln Continental

Guide Dogs of America got more value

"We couldn't smog the vehicle, so glad you got

value from it! Turned out great for us."

Kent C., Car Donation - Temecula, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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1997 Ford F250

Breast Cancer Solutions Foundation got more value

"My daughter came home and suggested we donate to Breast Cancer

Solutions after hearing great experiences at a BBQ. Glad we did!"

William A., Truck Donation - Lake Forest, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2000 Honda CRV

Habitat for Humanity got more value

"I wouldn't have been able to sell my car for this much, great job!"

Nobert S., SUV Donation - Manhattan Beach, CA

Donation Benefitting:

1999 BMW 325

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church got more value

"It was a spare car, we just wanted to stop collecting dust and make a difference."

Jeff Z., Car Donation - Newport Beach, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2009 Ford Focus SE

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"So happy with the $1,300 tax deduction -- and being able to help a charity close to my heart."

Brian R., Car Donation - Salinas, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2001 Club Car

Girl Scouts of Orange County got more value

"Very pleased - my tax deduction was so fast and simple to get!

Bejhan R., Golf Cart Donation - Napa, CA

Donation Benefitting:
Animal-Friends-Rescue-Project logo

2002 Toyota Tundra Extra Cab

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"I was so surpirsed when Cars2Charities called me and said they had gotten me a $2,700 tax deduction. I thought my old car was a goner!"

William G., Truck Donation - Carmel, CA

Donation Benefitting:

Start vehicle donation.

Fill out the following form, it only takes a few minutes! We’ll contact you after your donation to arrange vehicle pickup, and answer any of your questions.