Terms of Use

TERMS OF USE effective June 2013

By using this Website, you acknowledge that you have read the following Terms of Use and agree to same. If you do not agree, please do not use the Website. Cars2Charities disclaims liability for any errors or omission of this website. Terms of Use may be updated from time to time.

Legal Name and Address

Cars2Charities is an S-Company with articles of organization filed with the Office of the California Secretary of state. Cars2Charities operates from offices located at 9723 Glenoaks Blvd. Sun Valley, CA 91352.

Procedures at Sole Discretion of Cars2Charities

Vehicles donated to Cars2Charities will be improved and their value maximized at the sole discretion of the management of Cars2Charities. The decision will vary depending on the individual circumstances of each vehicle, including but not limited to cost, return on investment, resources available, location of vehicle, transportation costs, time of year / seasonality, or other factors. While it is our intent to maximize the value of every gifted vehicle, there is no guarantee, implicit or explicit that this can be achieved in the case of every single vehicle that is donated.


The towing companies utilized are unaffiliated entities. We strive to work only with those that have the highest standards and recommendations. However, we are unable to guarantee specific levels of service.

Vehicles will be re-marketed for sale. Cars2Charities will strive to obtain the highest possible value on behalf of the donor and the charity of choice. No other guarantees are implied. We will use all reasonable efforts to accommodate every donor’s chosen charity. However, if we determine that such charity does not meet the IRS requirements as a 501(c)3 charitable entity, or if the charity does not take reasonable action to provide the necessary information within 10 days, we will contact the donor and work with them to select another suitable charity of their choice.
If the donor does not respond by selecting another qualified charity within a reasonable timeframe of 45 days, the funds will be channeled to Cars2Charities.org, a registered 501(c)3 Charity that will distribute funds in accordance with its charter.


Users of this website agree that any legal proceedings arising related to this website shall be adjudicated solely in the courts of Orange County, California or Los Angeles County California, USA.