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How to Be Successful with your Diet and Exercise Resolutions

It’s the beginning of the year, which means it’s time for a New Year’s resolution or two. The result may be a whole new you. Planning and implementing your diet and exercise resolutions sooner, rather than later, can help you stick to the goal of improving your overall health.

Become a Morning Person

When you consider what’s a New Year’s resolution that makes a difference, it can involve many aspects of your life and begin the moment you wake up.

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day when looking into diet tips. But there’s more to it than that. When your first meal of the day is healthy, you gain an increase in energy in the morning and it helps to curb unhealthy snacking. Exercising in the a.m. also helps to increase your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day. diet5

Drink Lots of Water

Staying hydrated throughout the day, especially during a workout, is a good New Year’s resolution. When creating a diet plan, it’s recommended that you drink 15 to 20 ounces of water around an hour or two before you exercise, 8 to 10 ounces before you begin, and 8 ounces every 15 minutes during a workout. Drinking water helps you burn calories, maintain your body temperature, and allows you to stay fuller longer, and in turn, you eat less.

Get Together with Friends

Not only are friends a great source of joy and happiness, they can keep you motivated, which is a good New Year’s resolution. Find a friend (or two) to join the gym with you or become your running buddy. When it involves exercising for beginners, the added support is even more important. Make teaming up a part of your diet and exercise resolutions and you have built-in accountability.

Buy Comfortable Sneakers

Creating a diet plan is only half the battle if you intend to lose weight – and nothing matches running for exercise.

When gearing up, never buy running shoes without trying them on. Make sure to walk around to see if they will be comfortable enough for long runs and strenuous exercise routines. And it’s best to shop for sneakers at night when your feet are their largest in size. If you have enough room to wiggle your toes a little, they should be the right fit.diet2

Oh, and don’t overlook your more hip-looking shoes, the ones you’ll wear throughout the city or to get to the gym. Companies are making shoes both fashionable and comfortable these days.

Find the Right Bra

Exercising for beginners involves buying what you need – starting with the most foundational apparel. When considering sports bras, keep in mind they are not made equally. Find a bra that is breathable and form-fitting when it’s being worn for exercise. Make sure it’s comfortable and expands easily when you take deep breaths. Look for options made with compression fabric.

Listen to Music

What’s a New Year’s resolution without considering your entertainment? The right songs can energize and motivate us, which benefits your new exercise plan. Find the songs that get you pumped and make a playlist to listen to when you’re waking up, working out, or just need a little pick me up.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

If you’ve tackled your diet tips and you’re turning your attention to a run outdoors, be careful. Remember the sun’s rays are the most powerful between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. But no matter the time you’re outside, make sure to slather on sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Sunglasses also protect your eyes from unnecessary squinting. diet4

Cultivate Creativity

Sometimes when you’re on a diet, you end up eating the same meals over and over again, but a good New Year’s resolution takes into consideration the sustainability of your plan. When creating a diet plan, try to think of new ways to incorporate healthier foods into meals you enjoy. Adding fresh herbs and spices is a simple and easy way to update a dish. Plus, you don’t add extra calories.

Schedule Down Time

Even with a packed calendar, make sure to schedule a time to rest and relax. A soothing bath (use cold water if you’re sore from a workout) and weekly massages can help your aching muscles. When you incorporate this kind of time into your New Year’s resolutions, it lets you mentally take a break from time to time too.