
7 Days a Week
Serving All 50 States

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When you donate a car in Gilroy we add between 25-50% value to your car! Our car donation program is fast, free and easy. PLUS, we actually improve your car using our very own in-house car techs. Unlike many car donation programs in Gilroy like Wheelsforwishes or kars2kids who send cars “as-is" to auction, we to add some love to your vehicle donation. When your car sells at a higher value, your charity gets a bigger donation and YOU get a GREAT tax deduction!





Looking for a great way to give to a cause AND get a great tax deduction? When you donate a car in Fremont, we can add between 25-50% value to your car!



Donating a car in Dublin, California is easy with Cars2Charities. We offer free towing and maximized tax deductions!


It's easy to give back to your local community when you donate a car in Concord. Car donations in Concord, California are one of the most convenient and rewarding ways to contribute to a worthy cause.