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We make car donations fast, easy and free. Our commitment when you donate your car in Riverside is to maximize your value - so you get the best tax deduction, and whichever non-profit you pick gets the most dollars. With our 35 years' experience improving vehicles, we're different from other vehicle donation programs: we don't just send your vehicle to auction where it will be sold “as-is". We improve how your car, van, SUV or truck donation looks and runs: typically increasing values by an average of 25-50%. WHY donate a car in Riverside?

Support your favorite charity -- or support a new cause when you donate a car in Redondo. Vehicle donation is one of the quickest, easiest and most rewarding ways to help a community in need. Learn how Cars2Charities, with over 35 years' experience in the automotive industry, can increase the value of your donated vehicle, make it easy for you to give to any charity of your choice, and set you up for a for a really sweet tax write-off!

If you have been considering donating an old truck, car, boat, RV or motorcycle to charity, there has never been a better time to do so.  Cars2Charities can take your used car donation in Rancho Palos Verdes and put it to use at your favorite organization or charity, bringing you joy as you help others by donating to a cause in which you believe.

Our program is unique in that we do not tell you where your money will be used — you tell us!  We have a list of local charities if you want to make a general gift, or you can ask about using your donation to benefit any local or national non-profit organization you like.  We will work with you to be sure your money is spent as you intended, even if your chosen group is as simple as a church or school organization.

Do you have an old vehicle sitting in your driveway or garage? Whether the vehicle is an old car that does not run, a truck, van or motorcycle that needs work or refurbishing, a boat or jet ski you have not used in years or even a riding lawnmower, making a Paramount car donation through Cars2Charities allows you to remove that old vehicle from your property, earn a tax deduction and do something great for those around you.

When you donate a used car, truck, motorcycle, van, RV or boat to charity, you gain immediate benefits.  You clear space in your garage, storage unit or driveway and you no longer have to worry about insurance and storage costs for your old vehicle.  Best of all, the money that we get by selling your used car or vehicle will go directly to the charity you designate.