
7 Days a Week
Serving All 50 States

Commercial Vehicle donation is fast, easy, and FREE!

  • Fast, free pickup in 24 - 48 hours.
  • Best tax deduction
  • Choose your favorite non-profit

Unfortunately, commercial vehicles can be difficult to sell after they have been used. If you are able to sell, you will likely get little for the vehicle. That is because many commercial vehicles are used until they are nearly worn out. Rather than stressing and wasting time trying to sell your commercial vehicle, think of the benefits a commercial vehicle donation could provide for your business as well as helping others.

Besides the opportunity to do some good in your community or world, there are several direct financial benefits that you will receive when you donate a commercial vehicle. For starters, businesses always strive to be seen in a positive light by their current and potential clients. When you donate a commercial vehicle to charity, you have the opportunity to announce your donation to the public, letting them know what your business has done to help others. Nothing provides a more beneficial referral for a client than seeing a charitable contribution.

You will also have the added financial benefit of deducting the full sales price of the commercial vehicle donation from your taxes. This is usually much higher than market value, thanks to Cars2Charities.  We sell your vehicle privately rather than auctioning it; in many cases, this means a much higher return.

When it comes to tax deductions and advantages, businesses are always looking for ways to save money. Commercial vehicle donations are a great way to increase the total amount of deductions for your business while also giving back to those in need. Therefore, donating old fleet vehicles is the perfect option for many business owners.

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How Do I Donate a Commercial Vehicle?

There are many ways you can choose to dispose of a used commercial vehicle. However, the best and easiest way is donating it to Cars2Charities. When you donate a commercial vehicle to Cars2Charities you will get the opportunity to support charities around your local community and throughout the world.

To get started with the commercial vehicle donation process, simply give our friendly service representatives at Cars2Charities a call on our toll-free number, 1-855-520-2100. They will be able to walk you through the entire process from beginning to end. Or fill out our short and easy donation form. This form gives us with the information we need to process your commercial vehicle donation. With a simple call or click you can have the opportunity to give much-needed funding to a good and worthy charitable cause.

Cars2Charities will then send a team member to pick up your old commercial vehicle. Even if the vehicle is not running, we will arrange for removal and storage at no cost to you. Regardless of the vehicle’s condition, we know that every donation goes to help a great cause, no matter how big or small it is. Cars2Charities accepts all types of commercial vehicles of all sizes.

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