Adoption & Beyond
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What are our donors saying?

2007 Vanguard Boat
NPR got more value
"So many happy memories with this boat -- glad it could do good, and a new family enjoys it."
Harry H., Boat Donation - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

2000 Toyota Camry
Ronald McDonald House Southern California got more value
"Great experience, would work with them again."
Nick D., Car Donation - La Verne, CA

2001 GMC Safari
Saddleback Valley Community Church got more value
"I've donated cars before but it hasn't always been this easy. I tried to sell this vehicle myself and had some bad experiences--so I went with Cars2Charities and they made it so easy and simple.
I'll probably go with C2C again."
Phillip S., Van Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

Children's Hospital got more value
"Wow, you rebuilt the engine… sold for twice
what it would have with bad a tranny. Keep up
the good work."
Richard C., Truck Donation - North Hills, CA

1990 Malibu Boat
National Alliance on Mental Illness got more value
"This charity is close to my heart and I'm glad I was able to help by donating my old boat."
Andrew P., Boat Donation - Fullerton, CA

Childhood Leukemia Foundation got more value
"I'm glad someone new can enjoy this car as
much as I did. Thankful the car wasn't sent to
auction or a salvage yard."
Chris S., Car Donation - Fullerton, CA

1997 Ford F250
Breast Cancer Solutions Foundation got more value
"My daughter came home and suggested we donate to Breast Cancer
Solutions after hearing great experiences at a BBQ. Glad we did!"
William A., Truck Donation - Lake Forest, CA

Saddleback Valley Community Church got more value
"My car had 200K, I expected to get much less. Thanks!"
Joseph J., Car Donation - Trabuco Canyon, CA

2012 Salem 29QBDS
Saddleback Church got more value
"Better tax deduction than the dealer price would've been, and same or more to charity. Hassle free, great!"
Letty J., Trailer Donation - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
2000 Subaru Forester S
KQED Public Radio got more value
"I am just so happy that Cars2Charities was able
to sell the car for that much. That way I could
support KQED Public Broadcasting and get
myself an excellent tax deduction."
Mark E., Car Donation - Redwood City, CA