Adoption & Beyond


Three Simple Steps.

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or Go Online

Takes 3 minutes.

We Schedule
a Pickup your earliest convenience.

You Receive a Tax Deduction

...and your favorite charity benefits from your generosity.

What are our donors saying?


2000 Subaru Forester S

KQED Public Radio got more value

"I am just so happy that Cars2Charities was able

to sell the car for that much. That way I could

support KQED Public Broadcasting and get

myself an excellent tax deduction."

Mark E., Car Donation - Redwood City, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2007 Vanguard Boat

NPR got more value

"So many happy memories with this boat -- glad it could do good, and a new family enjoys it."

Harry H., Boat Donation - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2000 Toyota Camry

Ronald McDonald House Southern California got  more value 

"Great experience, would work with them again."

Nick D., Car Donation - La Verne, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2001 GMC Safari

Saddleback Valley Community Church got more value

"I've donated cars before but it hasn't always been this easy. I tried to sell this vehicle myself and had some bad experiences--so I went with Cars2Charities and they made it so easy and simple.
I'll probably go with C2C again."

Phillip S., Van Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2007 Ford Ranger

Children's Hospital got more value

"Wow, you rebuilt the engine… sold for twice

what it would have with bad a tranny. Keep up

the good work."

     Richard C., Truck Donation - North Hills, CA

Donation Benefitting:
donate-car-national-alliance-mental-illness-nami (1)

1990 Malibu Boat

National Alliance on Mental Illness got more value

"This charity is close to my heart and I'm glad I was able to help by donating my old boat."

Andrew P., Boat Donation - Fullerton, CA



Donation Benefitting:

2002 Mazda Protege 5

Childhood Leukemia Foundation got more value

"I'm glad someone new can enjoy this car as

much as I did. Thankful the car wasn't sent to

auction or a salvage yard."

Chris S., Car Donation - Fullerton, CA

Donation Benefitting:
car-donation-breast-cancer-solutions-foundation (1)

1997 Ford F250

Breast Cancer Solutions Foundation got more value

"My daughter came home and suggested we donate to Breast Cancer

Solutions after hearing great experiences at a BBQ. Glad we did!"

William A., Truck Donation - Lake Forest, CA

Donation Benefitting:

1997 Lexus ES300

Saddleback Valley Community Church got more value

"My car had 200K, I expected to get much less. Thanks!"

Joseph J., Car Donation - Trabuco Canyon, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2012 Salem 29QBDS

Saddleback Church got more value

"Better tax deduction than the dealer price would've been, and same or more to charity. Hassle free, great!"

Letty J., Trailer Donation - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Donation Benefitting:

Start vehicle donation.

Fill out the following form, it only takes a few minutes! We’ll contact you after your donation to arrange vehicle pickup, and answer any of your questions.