Arthritis Foundation

Three Simple Steps.

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What are our donors saying?

2002 Saturn SL2
NPR got more value
"I cannot believe my old car sold for more than twice as much as I thought it would! I am genuinely surprised and very happy."
Matthew R., Car Donation - Monterey, CA

Children's Hospital got more value
"Wow, you rebuilt the engine… sold for twice
what it would have with bad a tranny. Keep up
the good work."
Richard C., Truck Donation - North Hills, CA

2000 Toyota Camry
Ronald McDonald House Southern California got more value
"Great experience, would work with them again."
Nick D., Car Donation - La Verne, CA

1999 BMW 325
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church got more value
"It was a spare car, we just wanted to stop collecting dust and make a difference."
Jeff Z., Car Donation - Newport Beach, CA

Childhood Leukemia Foundation got more value
"I'm glad someone new can enjoy this car as
much as I did. Thankful the car wasn't sent to
auction or a salvage yard."
Chris S., Car Donation - Fullerton, CA

1998 Nissan Pathfinder
Ronald McDonald House got more value
"GREAT! GREAT! more than what I expected. "9". Very smooth. I can't see any fault anywhere."
Paul S., SUV Donation - Martinez, CA

Arthritis Foundation got more value
"I thought my golf cart was going to be junked --
glad you could fix it. What a deal!"
Janet D., Golf Cart Donation - Tucson, AZ

2002 Buick LeSabre
Arthritis Foundation got more value
"I am blown away... I knew it had low miles, but I never DREAMED that you could get so much."
Linda F., Car Donation - Upland, CA

1998 Honda Civic LX
UCSD got more value
"I'm very glad that they were able to take this car off my hands quickly,
getting me a nice tax deduction while I can support a charity."
Lindsey E., Car Donation - Poway, CA
2002 BMW 330CI Convertible
Westside German Shepherd Rescue got more value
"Thanks for making this an easy process. I'm very happy with the outcome!"
Peter P., Car Donation - Huntington Beach, CA