Bread of Life Church

Three Simple Steps.

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What are our donors saying?

1990 Malibu Boat
National Alliance on Mental Illness got more value
"This charity is close to my heart and I'm glad I was able to help by donating my old boat."
Andrew P., Boat Donation - Fullerton, CA

Saddleback Valley Community Church got more value
"My car had 200K, I expected to get much less. Thanks!"
Joseph J., Car Donation - Trabuco Canyon, CA

2006 Honda Civic Hybrid
Yorba Linda Friends Church got more value
"Great job! Quick and painless, thank you."
James H., Car Donation - Yorba Linda, CA

2002 Ford Windstar
Mount of Olives Lutheran Church got more value
"You fixed my bad alternator? Great! Wow, my tax deduction's a lot more than I expected!"
Beverly C., Van Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

1999 BMW 325
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church got more value
"It was a spare car, we just wanted to stop collecting dust and make a difference."
Jeff Z., Car Donation - Newport Beach, CA

Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles got more value
"Oh my goodness! Wow, I'm amazed you got so much. You rebuilt the transmission - for $1000?!
Thank you!"
Isabel G., Car Donation - Los Angeles, CA

Children's Hospital got more value
"Wow, you rebuilt the engine… sold for twice
what it would have with bad a tranny. Keep up
the good work."
Richard C., Truck Donation - North Hills, CA

2002 VW Passat
Biola University got more value
“So fast and efficient. A much better deal than from my dealership. Plus, I’m helping needy students!”
Katherine H., Car Donation - Orange County, CA

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value
"Pick up was clean, and got a lot more than we
expected for Animal Friends Rescue."
Carolyn C., - Car Donation - Salinas, CA
1996 Toyota Avalon
Charity Cup got more value
"My husband's in Korea; great service. Will ask my daughter to do yelp review."
Inok K., Car Donation - Fullerton, CA