Care Free Medical Clinic


Three Simple Steps.

Call Us,
or Go Online

Takes 3 minutes.

We Schedule
a Pickup your earliest convenience.

You Receive a Tax Deduction

...and your favorite charity benefits from your generosity.

What are our donors saying?

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2009 Ford Focus SE

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"So happy with the $1,300 tax deduction -- and being able to help a charity close to my heart."

Brian R., Car Donation - Salinas, CA

Donation Benefitting:
donate-car-national-alliance-mental-illness-nami (1)

National Alliance on Mental Illness got more value

"Super! My mom was very pleased."

Janny P., Car Donation - Norwalk, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2006 Honda Odyssey

Childhood Leukemia Foundation got more value

"My wife was very pleased with the whole process and the outcome!"

Robert B., Van Donation - Rolling Hills Estates, CA

Donation Benefitting:
Animal-Friends-Rescue-Project logo

2002 Toyota Tundra Extra Cab

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"I was so surpirsed when Cars2Charities called me and said they had gotten me a $2,700 tax deduction. I thought my old car was a goner!"

William G., Truck Donation - Carmel, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2000 Chevrolet Astro

Big Brothers Big Sisters got more value

"Wonderful! That's a full 10 rating and will review and recommend on Yelp. "

Anita D., Van Donation - Torrance, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2003 Ford Crown Victoria

Guide Dogs of America got more value

"I am always happy to help this charity and you made it quick and easy."

Christian D., Car Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2007 Ford Ranger

Children's Hospital got more value

"Wow, you rebuilt the engine… sold for twice

what it would have with bad a tranny. Keep up

the good work."

     Richard C., Truck Donation - North Hills, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2007 Vanguard Boat

NPR got more value

"So many happy memories with this boat -- glad it could do good, and a new family enjoys it."

Harry H., Boat Donation - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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1990 Malibu Boat

National Alliance on Mental Illness got more value

"This charity is close to my heart and I'm glad I was able to help by donating my old boat."

Andrew P., Boat Donation - Fullerton, CA



Donation Benefitting:

Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles got more value

"Oh my goodness! Wow, I'm amazed you got so much. You rebuilt the transmission - for $1000?!

Thank you!"

Isabel G., Car Donation - Los Angeles, CA

Donation Benefitting:

Start vehicle donation.

Fill out the following form, it only takes a few minutes! We’ll contact you after your donation to arrange vehicle pickup, and answer any of your questions.