DSF Werks

Arts and Entertainment
             DSF Werks Mission A welcoming community that provides workplace experiences, skills development, and mentorship for underserved young adults and emancipated foster youth.   

Three Simple Steps.

Call Us,
or Go Online

Takes 3 minutes.

We Schedule
a Pickup

...at your earliest convenience.

You Receive a Tax Deduction

...and your favorite charity benefits from your generosity.

What are our donors saying?

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2002 Ford Windstar

Mount of Olives Lutheran Church got more value

"You fixed my bad alternator? Great! Wow, my tax deduction's a lot more than I expected!"

Beverly C., Van Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2007 Honda Odyssey

Wounded Warrior Project got more value

"We really wanted to support Wounded Warrior Project, you made it easy to do that."

Stephen B., Van Donation - Burbank, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2001 GMC Savannah 2500

Children's Hospital got more value

"So happy to donate this van in the hope of helping a child survive the disease."

Palisades Plumbing Inc., Van Donation - Pacific Palisades, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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1991 Golf Cart - EZ GO

Arthritis Foundation got more value

"I thought my golf cart was going to be junked --

glad you could fix it. What a deal!"

Janet D., Golf Cart Donation - Tucson, AZ

Donation Benefitting:

2004 Honda VTX 1800N

Schwab Charitable Fund got more value

"Glad you could help me put the funds into a self-directed Charity Trust!"

Ronald L., Motorcycle Donation - Santa Monica, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2004 Golf Car

Wounded Warrior Project got more value

"If there was a survey I'd give Cars2Charities a 10!"

Glenn, H., Golf Car Donation - Kingman, AZ

Donation Benefitting:

2001 Ford Focus Wagon

Kitten Rescue got more value

"Wow, that's amazing! I'm grateful that this was

a hassle-free process for us."

Tom L., Car Donation - Los Angeles, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2004 Honda Civic EX Coupe

Make-A-Wish got more value

"You were very helpful in explaining the donation process. It was easier than I thought it would be!"

Syed Suhel K., Car Donation - Santa Ana, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2002 Toyota Tundra Extra Cab

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"I was so surpirsed when Cars2Charities called me and said they had gotten me a $2,700 tax deduction. I thought my old car was a goner!"

William G., Truck Donation - Carmel, CA

Donation Benefitting:

1998 Toyota Rav 4

NPR got more value

"I tried to trade this truck in to upgrade, but the trade-in offer was ridiculously low.

I'm glad I donated instead -- got to support KPCC and get a great tax deduction."

Michael E., SUV donation - Fullerton, CA

Donation Benefitting:

Start vehicle donation.

Fill out the following form, it only takes a few minutes! We’ll contact you after your donation to arrange vehicle pickup, and answer any of your questions.