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What are our donors saying?

2007 Honda Odyssey
Wounded Warrior Project got more value
"We really wanted to support Wounded Warrior Project, you made it easy to do that."
Stephen B., Van Donation - Burbank, CA

2001 GMC Savannah 2500
Children's Hospital got more value
"So happy to donate this van in the hope of helping a child survive the disease."
Palisades Plumbing Inc., Van Donation - Pacific Palisades, CA

Arthritis Foundation got more value
"I thought my golf cart was going to be junked --
glad you could fix it. What a deal!"
Janet D., Golf Cart Donation - Tucson, AZ

2004 Honda VTX 1800N
Schwab Charitable Fund got more value
"Glad you could help me put the funds into a self-directed Charity Trust!"
Ronald L., Motorcycle Donation - Santa Monica, CA

2004 Golf Car
Wounded Warrior Project got more value
"If there was a survey I'd give Cars2Charities a 10!"
Glenn, H., Golf Car Donation - Kingman, AZ

Kitten Rescue got more value
"Wow, that's amazing! I'm grateful that this was
a hassle-free process for us."
Tom L., Car Donation - Los Angeles, CA

2004 Honda Civic EX Coupe
Make-A-Wish got more value
"You were very helpful in explaining the donation process. It was easier than I thought it would be!"
Syed Suhel K., Car Donation - Santa Ana, CA

2002 Toyota Tundra Extra Cab
Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value
"I was so surpirsed when Cars2Charities called me and said they had gotten me a $2,700 tax deduction. I thought my old car was a goner!"
William G., Truck Donation - Carmel, CA

1998 Toyota Rav 4
NPR got more value
"I tried to trade this truck in to upgrade, but the trade-in offer was ridiculously low.
I'm glad I donated instead -- got to support KPCC and get a great tax deduction."
Michael E., SUV donation - Fullerton, CA
2002 Ford Windstar
Mount of Olives Lutheran Church got more value
"You fixed my bad alternator? Great! Wow, my tax deduction's a lot more than I expected!"
Beverly C., Van Donation - Mission Viejo, CA