Monterey Firefighters Charitable Foundation

First Responders

Three Simple Steps.

Call Us,
or Go Online

Takes 3 minutes.

We Schedule
a Pickup your earliest convenience.

You Receive a Tax Deduction

...and your favorite charity benefits from your generosity.

What are our donors saying?

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2000 Honda CRV

Habitat for Humanity got more value

"I wouldn't have been able to sell my car for this much, great job!"

Nobert S., SUV Donation - Manhattan Beach, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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National Alliance on Mental Illness got more value

"Super! My mom was very pleased."

Janny P., Car Donation - Norwalk, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2001 Ford Focus Wagon

Kitten Rescue got more value

"Wow, that's amazing! I'm grateful that this was

a hassle-free process for us."

Tom L., Car Donation - Los Angeles, CA

Donation Benefitting:
Animal-Friends-Rescue-Project logo

1996 Honda Civic

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"After 15 months in the back yard, it's great you could still get so much for Animal Friends Rescue

and for me."

Francesca A., Car Donation - Salina, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2009 Ford Focus SE

Animal Friends Rescue Project got more value

"So happy with the $1,300 tax deduction -- and being able to help a charity close to my heart."

Brian R., Car Donation - Salinas, CA

Donation Benefitting:

1997 Toyota Tacoma

Habitat for Humanity got more value

"Fantastic. Easy, fast, just as they said it would be. Good towing experience too."

Thomas L., Truck Donation - San Francisco, CA

Donation Benefitting:

2002 Mazda Protege

Saddleback Valley Community Church got more value

"Happy to know I could help Saddleback Church."

Jeff V., Car Donation - Riverside, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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1998 Mitsubishi Montero Sport XLS

Breast Cancer Solutions Foundation got more value

I am so delighted that I was able to donate my

car to a charity that is so important to me."

Bary B., SUV Donation - Lake Forest, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2003 Toyota Corolla

Kitten Rescue got more value

"Same day pickup made it so easy -- and fast. Thanks!"

Lynda S., Car Donation - Studio City, CA

Donation Benefitting:
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2002 Ford Windstar

Mount of Olives Lutheran Church got more value

"You fixed my bad alternator? Great! Wow, my tax deduction's a lot more than I expected!"

Beverly C., Van Donation - Mission Viejo, CA

Donation Benefitting:

Start vehicle donation.

Fill out the following form, it only takes a few minutes! We’ll contact you after your donation to arrange vehicle pickup, and answer any of your questions.